Unfortunately, due the NY State restrictions on large gatherings, there will be no large public firework shows this year in Fulton County. We will update and share dates of re-scheduled shows when available.
This includes: Sport Island Pub (Northville), Lanzi’s on the Lake (Mayfield), Pine Lake Park (Pine Lake, Route 10), Northville Doin’s (Northville) and Sherman’s Amusement Park (Caroga Lake, Route 10).
Please understand this is a NY State Regulation and not the local family businesses decision.
Fireworks have been a tradition and staple in our area for many years- and while that won’t be on your agenda this year, please continue to enjoy our hiking and biking trails, fishing and boating, history walks, local restaurants, and shops that are open.
Please wear a mask when you are in town and respect NY State regulated social distancing guidelines.
Thank you for supporting our local businesses, enjoy the 44 lakes we offer, and enjoy our beautiful county safely. Stay healthy and strong!