Hannah’s Healing

2474 State Highway Route 30
Mayfield, NY 12117
Contact: April A. Hannah | 518-421-4245
Welcome to Hannah’s Healing Wellness Studio. Relax, restore and realign your mind, body and spirit. Our studio is a wellness sanctuary for EVERY BODY!

Coaching Sessions

April offers coaching sessions in person at the Mayfield, NY office or  virtually by phone or video. All of the energy healing sessions listed below are also offered virtually.  April uses her intuition, psychic ability and over 20 years of her clinical mental health experience to guide you to find the answers to some of your most puzzling questions to your life.

We have a variety of Energy Healing Sessions for you to choose from. Each modality has a slightly different approach and technique to healing but all achieve the same outcome of helping you to awaken on your spiritual path and help you to reconnect to your soul.


The history of Usui Reiki begins with a look at the inscription on the memorial stone that was erected in 1927 in Tokyo, Japan in memory of Mikao Usui Sensei, founder of the Usui Reiki healing system. A Japanese technique used for stress reduction, physical and emotional healing and relaxation. Reiki can be performed off the body or with a light gentle touch.

Founded by Kevin and Christine Core in 2002. Angelic Reiki helps you to connect to the Angelic Realm and Ascended Masters. Angel cards are used for this session to invoke the Angels who would like to work with you on that day. An Angelic Reiki Healing is usually a hands-on process but can be done with the hands off the body or as a distance healing. (Please note that Angelic Reiki attunements cannot be done via distance).

An Angelic Reiki Healing is very simple. Whilst the recipient is either laying or sitting, the practitioner places their left hand on the recipient’s Higher Heart Chakra and their right hand on the recipient’s Solar Plexus. The Higher Heart Chakra is our energetic connection to our Soul Self/ Devine Self/ Higher Self. The Solar Plexus is our connection to the personality/ego/everyday Self. These hand positions create a link for that person to their Soul Self.

By holding an unconditional space totally dedicated to the Angelic Kingdom of Light, the most perfect healing energy will be there. There is only Angelic energy. An Angelic Reiki practitioner does not focus their energy and they do not use psychic powers to ‘see’ what might be ‘wrong’. They do not chant or visualize symbols nor do they move their hands to different positions. Each recipient’s experience will be different. No two healings are ever the same

A full appointment is in three parts and usually lasts one hour. First there is an opportunity for the client to discuss any issue, next is the hands-on healing part and finally there is a sharing of the experience with an opportunity for questions and creating any support that many be needed.

Angelic Reiki

Founded by Kevin and Christine Core in 2002. Angelic Reiki helps you to connect to the Angelic Realm and Ascended Masters. Angel cards are used for this session to invoke the Angels who would like to work with you on that day. An Angelic Reiki Healing is usually a hands-on process but can be done with the hands off the body or as a distance healing.

An Angelic Reiki Healing is very simple. Whilst the recipient is either laying or sitting, the practitioner places their left hand on the recipient’s Higher Heart Chakra and their right hand on the recipient’s Solar Plexus. The Higher Heart Chakra is our energetic connection to our Soul Self/ Devine Self/ Higher Self. The Solar Plexus is our connection to the personality/ego/everyday Self. These hand positions create a link for that person to their Soul Self.

By holding an unconditional space totally dedicated to the Angelic Kingdom of Light, the most perfect healing energy will be there. There is only Angelic energy. An Angelic Reiki practitioner does not focus their energy and they do not use psychic powers to ‘see’ what might be ‘wrong’. They do not chant or visualize symbols nor do they move their hands to different positions. Each recipient’s experience will be different. No two healings are ever the same

A full appointment is in three parts and usually lasts one hour. First there is an opportunity for the client to discuss any issue, next is the hands-on healing part and finally there is a sharing of the experience with an opportunity for questions and creating any support that many be needed.

Esoteric Healing

Esoteric Healing is a type of energy healing that originated from the teachings of Djwhal Khul and Alice Bailey first published in the early 1950s.Esoteric Healing is proposed to assist a person in balancing her or his flow of energy. Through meditative focus and sensitized hands, specific energy points are used to bring an individual’s energy field into a harmonious state. This technique is performed off the body.

Chakra Clearing

The chakra system originated in India between 1500 and 500 BC in the oldest text called the Vedas. A chakra clearing looks at your 7 main energy centers and works to bring them all back into energetic balance.

Private Meditation Consultation and Sessions

Need a jump start to begin your meditation practice. These meditation bundles give you a 1:1 60 min consultation session to tailor your private meditation course to your needs. We will assess the types of sounds and vibrations you respond to the best, explore adding aromatherapy of essential oils to help deepen your relaxation and your type of listening style to tailor the guided meditation to fit your body the best.

Intuitive Card Readings

Card readings, also known as divinations, can be a spiritual tool used to access more knowledge and information about an area in your life (Health, Relationship, Employment, Money). These card readings are meant for entertainment purposes only and do not predict future events. They can give you more insight and clarification surrounding a certain issue in your life.

Essential Oil Consultations and Wellness Scans

Get scanned and receive a personalized wellness report to find the right essential oils and supplements that can best support your wellness lifestyle and membership to Young Living Essential Oils.

In this 85 minute session you will receive a scan using the GSR ITOVI device. The ITOVI device pairs over 100 years of scientific research and technology with modern day algorithms to find which young living essential oils and supplements you match with best.

Your Report Analysis shows the Emotional Categories and Body Systems most associated with the products you scanned for, as defined by the leading reference books in the industry that I have in my office.

Once the scan is complete we will print out your wellness report and go over it in full detail. I will then provide you with educational material about each oil, offer recommendations and information using my essential oils reference desk. I can help you order any essential oils or supplements you would like to purchase that day to get started.

What your session includes:

  • ITOVI scan, analysis and wellness report
  • ITOVI information packet on how the scan works, how to interpret your scan
  • Free membership to Young Living, $35.00 value
  • Consultation and education on the top 3 oils and supplements you match with from your report
  • A folder to go home with your printed report, essential oil recommendations and more!
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